時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30
地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee





二聚會 4/30 1.握手禮儀 2. 婚前協議

Koreans Slap Bill Gates for 'Rude' Handshake (ABC News' Joanne Kim)

The buzz in town today is this photograph of Microsoft founder Bill Gates' shaking hands with South Korea President Park Geun-hye.

Gates, 57, might have not realized it Monday, but a one-hand shake in Korean culture - and also in Asia - is notably casual, done only when the other party is a good friend, of the same or younger age. Using one hand with the other tucked in the pants pocket is considered rude here, done when one is expressing superiority to the other.

"Perhaps it was his all-American style but an open jacket with hand in pocket? That was way too casual. It was very regretful," said Chung Jin-suk, secretary general at the Korean National Assembly.

President Park's office has said nothing publicly about the incident and a spokesperson for Gates declined to comment.

But Internet chat rooms and social network sites are filled with views debating cultural differences and analyses of Gates' laid-back style.

"I don't know if that was ignorance or just plain disrespect," Cho Park, a Korean student studying in New York, said. "It was pretty rude of him. The thing is I'm not sure if it is rude in Western culture."

"Cultural difference or bad manners?" the Joongang Ilbo newspaper wrote.

This is not just a Korean thing. It's an international protocol.

"Maybe it was intentional. Otherwise, he has a very strange habit."

Gates was in South Korea on a three-day visit to promote his start-up TerraPower, which is developing next-generation nuclear reactors.

1. Why is it important to have good manners? .
2. Why international etiquette is so important
3. Do you think that Bill Gates handshakes weird and disrespectful?
4. What are the best ways for social etiquette?
And how to have good manners?
5. Should we mind our manners on a public occasion?
Why should we mind our manners?
6. What do you think about etiquette and culture differences?


Prenuptial Marriage Agreements  (By Sheri & Bob Stritof, About.com )
Are prenuptial marriage agreements a death knell for romance? Or are prenuptial agreements practical solutions to dealing with the problematic topic of finances in a marriage?
 More and more couples are signing prenuptial marriage agreements before they marry. These are not just couples dealing with financial inequality, or couples who have a lot of wealth. These are couples who want to put all their financial cards on the table before they walk down the aisle.
Pros of Prenuptial Agreements:
Financial matters need to be faced.
Prenuptial agreements can preserve family ties and inheritance.
If your future spouse won't sign a prenuptial marriage agreement, it may be best to discover this before the wedding.
The financial well-being of children from a previous marriage can be protected.
Personal and business assets accumulated before your marriage are protected.
A prenup puts financial expectations out on the table before your wedding.
A prenuptial marriage agreement spells out which assets a spouse may want to give to children or other family members in the event of death.
In the event of a divorce, a prenuptial agreement eliminates battles over assets and finances.
Cons of Prenuptial Agreements:
They are unromantic.
Prenups can give the appearance that there is a lack of trust between the partners.
A prenuptial agreement could create resentment between spouses.
A prenuptial marriage agreement makes it seem like there is a lack of a life-time commitment to one another.
1. Do you think a prenuptial agreement is a good idea for couples?
if you consider a prenuptial agreement what conditions would you sing in a prenuptial?
2. It is proper to talk money before marriage?
3. Do you think money issues cause more arguments in marriage?
How to resolve financial conflicts and keep love in your marriage?
4. Separate or joint bank accounts in marriage?
Do you think that couples’ property should split 50-50?
5. What happens to property after a divorce?
6. What are the other common marriage problems?

比爾蓋茲手插褲兜與韓總統握手被批無禮  (澳洲日報)




由於影視名人婚變事件,層出不窮,凸顯出「錢」的問題,常是婚姻中爭執的導火線,而「錢」的問題也常見於一般離婚夫婦中,讓我們來談談『婚前契約』的必要性與否? (Billy)
知名節目主持人于美人,上月30日召開記者會,說明丈夫和母親爆發口角衝突的事件始末,還提到16年的婚姻關係緊張,近5年來更是衝突不斷。只是兩人的「家事」,連日來卻頻頻登上新聞版面,甚至還扯出于美人與公婆早已10多年不相往來,James也對丈母娘頗有怨言,2個人的婚姻路似乎已經危機四伏? 327日于美人母親和James爆發激烈口角衝突,於是報警處理,30日早上事件爆發,同日下午于美人火速召開記者會說明,證實因擔心母親安危已申請保護令。接著她開始列出James多項罪狀,包含他毀謗自己、恐嚇母親、失業不養家、拋下孩子獨自南下等,坦言兩人分居且關係不佳。

每周一句 4/28 draw (somebody's) fire
draw (somebody's) fire 遭受批評--- if something or someone draws fire, they are criticized


Her awkward performances have drawn fire from audiences

Their approval of same-sex marriage is expected to draw fire from Churches.

His recent comment was bound to draw fire.



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