各位親愛的會員朋友:109日將探討的二個主題:賞金徵婚 久坐與背痛

(bbc)A well-known Hong Kong billionaire has offered $65m (£40m) to any man able to woo and marry his lesbian daughter.
Property and shipping tycoon Cecil Chao publicly promised the "marriage bounty" after reports emerged that his daughter had wed her long-term girlfriend.
Mr Chao, who has never married himself, told the BBC his daughter was still single and needed a "good husband".
Same-sex unions are not recognised in Hong Kong, although homosexuality was decriminalised in 1991.
Gigi Chao, a businesswoman and graduate from the University of Manchester, is said to have married her female partner of seven years, Sean Eav, in a ceremony in France earlier this year.
But her flamboyant father rejected the claims as false, adding that his generous offer had already generated many replies from potential suitors.
"It is an inducement to attract someone who has the talent but not the capital to start his own business," Mr Chao said.
"I don't mind whether he is rich or poor. The important thing is that he is generous and kind-hearted.
"Gigi is a very good woman with both talents and looks. She is devoted to her parents, is generous and does volunteer work."
His public hunt for a husband notwithstanding, Mr Chao insisted he would not force his daughter to marry a man against her will.
Ms Chao said she found her father's plan entertaining and would not worry about it until an actual suitor had been found.

1. Would you marry someone for love or money?‎
2. Why marrying for money is a bad idea? Why marrying for love is a bad idea?
3. Reasons Why You Should Not Marry For Money? Or for love?
4. Why do beautiful women marry ugly rich men?
5. Do you support same sex marriage?

日坐6小時 壯男下背痛2
400萬人致病患者年輕化 恐椎間盤凸出(爽報報導) 2012/10/2
各位會員朋友們: 您有多久沒有運動呢? 您對現代生活模式"久坐"問題的看法呢? (Billy)

 Sedentary Lifestyle---A Perpetuating Factor for Lower Back Pain (Lower-Back-Pain-Answers.com)
Over time, a sedentary lifestyle can set the stage for lower back pain. The body functions best not only when there's plentiful physical movement, but a variety of movement. Except in rare cases, children don't complain about having lower back pain.
Why? Because they run and jump and roll and duck and spin and twist all day long. Their little bodies receive a constant stream of sensory information keeping their muscles and joints and fascia stretched and loose and mobile.
The vast majority of lower back problems are muscular in origin. If the muscles are not moved and stretched regularly, they become tight and short and stiff. This can predispose an individual to experiencing lower back pain.
Lack of movement, then, can be a perpetuating factor for lower back pain. As such, it can set the stage leading to one or more of the five primary causes of back pain.
DOHA: Sedentary lifestyle is leading to an increasing incidence of low back pain, according to experts. Marking the World Health Day, yesterday, Al Ahli Hospital held an exhibition and a Public Interaction Programme in the evening focusing on low-back pain.
Some 240 people got their bone mineral density scanned as part of the exhibition. Bone Mineral Density (DEXA) scans were done free for the public and results were interpreted by the Doctors from the hospital's Rheumatology/Orthopedic department.
Apart from this, various departments of the hospital Orthopaedic, Neurology, Physiotherapy, Chiropractic Medicine Clinics and Pharmacy offered advice on low back pain. A free DVD Guide on low back pain was also distributed.
"We fee that the focus should be on low back pain as there is an increasing incidence of the cases," said Dr Nasser M Gamal AlGwad, Consultant Orthopedics and Spinal Deformities, Al Ahli Hospital.
"The life time prevalence of the problem is up to 75 percent and is usually seen in people around 35 years of age. This means that the problems come when people are in the prime of their life which can effect the economic growth of any country."
At least 15 percent of the cases are caused due to organic or problems related to the spine, pelvic or abdomen. Some 85 percent are non-specific low back pain cases as there is no clear understanding of the cause.
"Back pain is the most common of health problems and one in every four adults will at some point in their lives suffer from the problem. In most of the cases, the pain is not that harsh or severe. Still, the pain can be a distraction affecting the quality of life,"

1. Why Leading a Sedentary Lifestyle is Bad for our health?
2. What's Wrong With a Sedentary Lifestyle?
3. The bad effects sedentary lifestyle?
4. Consequences of a Sedentary Lifestyle?
5. How Often Should You Exercise?

Sherry : Hi, Billy! You look upset.
Billy: Yes, I was disappointed with Jill.
Sherry : What 's wrong?
Billy : Well, I book a table in a romantic restaurant last night, but she stood me up.
Sherry : What a pity!
Billy : She broke her promise always.
Sherry: Why don't you just leave her?
Billy: I can't.
Sherry: Why not?
Billy : I have my word to her that I'll take care of her forever, and a promise is a promise.
Sherry : Oh, my goodness!

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