
目前分類:cheating (1)

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各位親愛的會員: 918日將探討兩個主題:


---考試作弊其實不是什麼大新聞,近年來社會風氣的轉變,便看出一些端倪,台灣社會處事的慣性,一直都鼓吹急功近利,極少人願意按部就班,辛勤耕耘地去做一件事情,政治人物,商界人士,不管是作弊、攀關係走後門,不擇手段來達到目的,這些新聞都已經聽的麻痺了,更何況是「考試」呢? 師長常鼓勵我們只要努力一定會好有成績,但是要有好成績不如先走捷徑功利掛帥的世界先取先贏管你道德不道德,這種風氣的暢行,不少人便養成投機取巧的習慣。不曉得您是否有聽過這句玩笑話:"考試靠作弊,作弊靠運氣,運氣不好被抓去,你老爸打得你痛哭流涕"。我們常說做學問是為自己,道德風骨?成績功名? 孰重孰輕呢? 各位會員,您的看法呢? (by Billy)

Harvard Says 125 Students May Have Cheated on a Final Exam (Associated Press)
Harvard University revealed Thursday what could be its largest cheating scandal in memory, saying that about 125 students might have worked in groups on a take-home final exam despite being explicitly required to work alone.

The accusations, related to a single undergraduate class in the spring semester, deal with "academic dishonesty, ranging from inappropriate collaboration to outright plagiarism," the administration said in a note sent to students.

Officials said that nearly half of the more than 250 students in the class were under investigation by the Harvard College Administrative Board and that if they were found to have cheated, they could be suspended for a year. The students have been notified that they are suspected and will be called to give their accounts in investigative hearings.

"This is unprecedented in its scope and magnitude," said Jay Harris, the dean of undergraduate education.

Administrators would not reveal the name of the class or even the department, saying that they wanted to protect the identities of the accused students. The Harvard Crimson, the university's student newspaper, reported that it was a government class, Introduction to Congress, which had 279 students, and that it was taught by Matthew B. Platt, an assistant professor.

Professor Platt did not respond to messages seeking comment.

When final exams were graded in May, similarities were noticed in the answers given by some students, officials said, and a professor brought the matter to the administration immediately. Over the summer, Harvard's administrative board conducted an initial review, going over the exams of all of the students in the class for evidence of cheating. It concluded that almost half of them showed signs of possible collaboration.

"The enabling role of technology is a big part of this picture," Mr. Harris said. "It's the ease of sharing. With that has come, I believe, a certain cavalier attitude."

The university said it planned to increase efforts to teach students about academic integrity.

"The scope of the allegations suggests that there is work to be done to ensure that every student at Harvard understands and embraces the values that are fundamental to its community of scholars," Harvard's president, Drew Gilpin Faust, told The Harvard Gazette, the university's official newspaper.

Harvard's student handbook says that students must "comply with the policy on collaboration established for each course," and notes that such policies vary from department to department, from class to class, and even from assignment to assignment within a class.

The news comes as Harvard students are returning to campus for the fall term, which begins on Tuesday.

1.     What do you think of exam cheating?
2.     Why do students cheat in an exam?
3.     Have you ever cheated on a test? (be honest)? If so how did you do it and what subject was it?
4.     How to do cheating in exams ? Best ways to cheat on exams?
5.     How to stop exam cheating? 
6.     Is cheating on a test a mortal sin? Effects of cheating on exams?

相信大家都聽過英文俗諺"不能從一本書的封面,判斷書中內容的好或壞",但是許多人仍然相信第一印象的感覺。美國前共和黨策略專家羅傑(Roger Ailes)曾表示,「7秒鐘」便決定了你在別人眼中的形象。

更有心理學者說:人們往往在兩秒到五分鐘之間,就已經能夠判讀出,並印記對方的感覺與形象。根據104人力銀行的調查發現,大部分所有主管都是面試的五分鐘內,決定了面試者的生死。一些研究也證明,當消費者選購商品時,如果有兩個相同產品,價格和品質相同,一個包裝看起來普通,另一個包裝亮麗,那麼,包裝亮麗的那個,通常會被買走而留下,包裝不起眼的那一個。第一印象或許先入為主,也可能是誤判。各位您的意見呢? (Billy)

Are First Impressions Really that Important? (Scary Good)
Everyone knows that you can't judge a book by its cover, but is a first impression all you really need. You can learn a lot from a person by their first impression, but can you really learn all you need to know. Could there be something affecting your first impression? Could the person be nervous? All of these factors could influence a first impression, and therefore should people weigh so much on it?

Many people say that a first impression is everything. Once someone gets an idea of you it is hard for them to leave that idea. If someone feels that you are something you really aren't because of your first impression then that is obviously not a good thing. Yet, so many people still rely on first impressions. For example when we go to job interviews we dress nice for one reason. To make a good first impression, at interviews people tend to act fake and extremely polite because we all know that if we make a great first impression we will have a better chance getting the job.

Is this the way it should be? Probably not, but is there any way to change it? The answer to that question is the same, probably not. It is just human nature to rely on a first impression. Everyone knows that they do it, and everyone knows that it is not right. Now sometimes a first impression may not be a bad thing, but there may be things affecting your perception of the person. First of all you may be upset that day, and be in the mood where you just don't want to deal with people. A second example would be if the person is very nervous to meet you. Their actual behavior may not be there because they will be acting almost fake to impress you. This happens a lot obviously during interviews or at other different nerve racking confrontations.

1.     Why a good first impression is important?
2.     Do you believe in first impressions, If so why?
3.     Why do first impressions stick with us so much?
4.     Are first impressions often correct?
5.     How to make a good first impression?


Job Interview
Manager: What is your present job?
Applicant: I am a research worker in Billy’s cosmetic company.
Manager: Why do you want to apply for this job?
Applicant: Honestly, the pay is better and I think there are more opportunities for advancement in your company.
Manager: What are your professional specialties?
Applicant: Well, I'm experienced, I have specialized knowledge at cosmetic field.
Manager: Ok, I will let you know about our decision in three days.
Applicant: Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you. (Billy)

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