周二聚會 4/91. 如何成為受歡迎的人 2.超感官知覺
時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30
地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee
Being popular is about more than just your clothes or how you do your hair or makeup. It's an entire lifestyle. It involves interacting with people in the right way, giving off an air of confidence, getting involved with everyone around you and getting people like you from the second they meet you.
1. A good impression
Make a good first impression on everybody you meet. Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression, so make sure they remember you as a friend. So, remember not to be too shy. Don't be annoying or nosy about everything. Be nice to everyone and say hi to people you don't normally say hi to. Act confidently. Always be friendly!
4. Compliment
6. Do you believe in supernatural beings? Ghost and bad spirits?
時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30
地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee
Topic1. 如何成為受歡迎的人
Topic1. 如何成為受歡迎的人
How to Be a Popular
(Edited by Rachel, Josh Hannah, James Quirk, Krystle C,)Being popular is about more than just your clothes or how you do your hair or makeup. It's an entire lifestyle. It involves interacting with people in the right way, giving off an air of confidence, getting involved with everyone around you and getting people like you from the second they meet you.
1. A good impression
Make a good first impression on everybody you meet. Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression, so make sure they remember you as a friend. So, remember not to be too shy. Don't be annoying or nosy about everything. Be nice to everyone and say hi to people you don't normally say hi to. Act confidently. Always be friendly!
2. Talking people’s interests
Talk about things that other people are in interested. People can be very passionate when talking about their interests. This will make you and especially the other(s) feel better about them. A boost of confidence never hurts!
3. Pay Attention to the Little Things
Listen more than you talk. People will want to be around someone who makes them feel better about themselves, not someone who is clearly just planning the next thing they're going to say. So don't be chatterbox; you can't listen with your mouth open. Ask them questions, but not enough to sound like a stalker. People love a person who takes the time to find more about them.
4. Compliment
Be all ears. Pay attention to what the other people are saying. Don't concentrate on yourself so much that you don't catch the person's name. Talk and compliment the person you are with or meeting. Don't try to compliment the popular people to get them to like you, and if you hate someone's hair, don't compliment it. If you see a quality that you like in someone, don't be afraid to speak up and compliment!
5.Be empathetic
Popular people know when someone needs a smiling friend, a compliment, or a hug. It's okay to be shy, but if you want to be popular, you have to smile, start conversations, and relate to people at their own level. That means talk about what the other person is interested in. Don't get stuck in the idea that you are shy or withdrawing. Realize that you are constantly changing, and that you are developing your social skills to the point where you could relate to all people. You have the right to change and grow.
1. Do you know how to make new friends?
2. How to be popular among friends? How to get people to like you?
3. How to make friends with someone you've never spoken to before?
4. How to become friends with a girl or a boy?
5. Reasons why it's important to have good social skill?
6. How much do you care about your friends?
Extra-sensory perception (wise GEEK)
(ESP) refers to any phenomena in which one gains information through means other than the recognized physical senses. It is therefore a broad category. Though ESP has never been scientifically proven and has numerous critics and skeptics, many laboratory test results have strongly favored its existence, and many people claim personal experience with it. ESP includes such phenomena as telepathy, out-of-body experiences, clairvoyance or remote viewing, precognition or seeing the future, aura reading, and other instances of intuition and knowledge acquired without the use of the physical senses.
The field of study that deals with ESP, known as parapsychology, was developed by J. B. and Louisa Rhine at Duke University in the 1930s. The Rhines popularized the term, along with psi, the hypothetical agent through which the mind experiences ESP. They also introduced the use of Zener cards, designed by psychologist Karl Zener, to test it in the laboratory. The Zener cards consist of a deck of 25 cards with five different symbols, and perception is tested by recording the accuracy of the test subject's guesses about the symbols on cards he or she cannot see.
Though many laboratory experiments suggest that ESP is a real phenomenon, none are definitively conclusive, and many more have been unsuccessful. Critics complain that the experiments favoring it were conducted with improper methodology. ESP is, by its nature, difficult to test, since there is little consensus over how it works or what exactly would prove its existence. Few people are truly disinterested when it comes to this subject.
Interestingly, some laboratory tests on ESP found that those who believe in psi are more likely to score above chance when guessing Zener card symbols, while those who do not believe in psi often score below chance. Another interesting result showed people in a relaxed state of mind, such as hypnosis, to make accurate guesses about Zener cards twice as often as chance would indicate, while those who are not hypnotized tend to score around chance.
1. Do you believe the supernatural exists? Why or why not?
2. Do you believe in sixth sense? Do women have a sixth sense?
3. Do you believe that some people have super powers? What super-power do you want?
4. Do you believe that some people have the ability to read someone's mind?
5.How to read someone's mind?
6. Do you believe in supernatural beings? Ghost and bad spirits?
* 肯定自己、展現自信
* 尊重、欣賞他人優點、樂與人相處
* 把握時間、設定目標、提升自己
* 積極主動、對未來有願景和期盼
* 愛與關心周遭的人,常存感激的心
在平時要看別人的長處,不要只看短處。對於別人有所成就時,要適時給予讚美,但要以誠懇的態度、及具體的事實,不要言過其實。看到別人的優點,多給予肯定,進而相 互合作,提升互補的益處。
超感官知覺 (摘編自正見網)
「身無彩鳳雙飛翼,心有靈犀一點通」是一句傳誦千年的詩句。其中提到的「心靈相通」究竟是迷信還是真實存在?2002年8月4日,在英國的《星期日海羅德》週報上,記者伊恩‧布魯斯(Iain Bruce)發表了一則新聞,介紹蘇格蘭科學家保羅‧史蒂文森(Paul Stevens)將公布迄今為止首次獲得的科學證據,證明人類確實有能力用意念溝通。
史蒂文森博士說:「我們的研究還不完整,但是(通過試驗)我們可能已經發現了一個重要的模式,希望藉此來證實思維傳感功能和潛在對應的(人體)機制。」這項試驗是在著名愛丁堡大學心靈心理學所進行的,試驗主要觀察在關係親近的人之間的思維聯繫,比如戀人、朋友和親戚。每兩個具有這種親密關係的受試者被配成一對,一個人是「(信息)傳送者」,另一個是 「(信息)接收者」。研究人員為第一組的人播放一系列隨意挑選的錄像片斷,然後讓他們把內容用意念「發送」給他們的搭檔,而第二組的搭檔正坐在相距25米的隔音室裏。「接收者」在房間裏處於高度接收狀態。研究人員詢問他們在頭腦中接收到了甚麼信息,並且同時測試他們的身體有無反應。許多受試者都能夠說出他們在第一組中的好友所看到的內容。