二聚會 4/16 Topic1.恐懼症 Topic2.便利商店

時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30
地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee

Topic1.恐懼症 Topic2.便利商店

Fear of Beautiful Women

You may be walking, looking at the ground when you suddenly look up and see a beautiful woman. What do you do? Well, if you have Caligynephobia you panic. The fear of beautiful women is also known as Venustraphobia and impacts both men and women.

What Causes The Fear of Beautiful Women

In women the primary reason there may be a fear has to do with longstanding feelings of inferiority or low self esteem. They may have been unfavorably compared to pretty girls growing up and may now feel as if they can never compete or compare with someone they view as being pretty. In the minds of a female caligynephobe the fear today may be based on an impairment known as intimidation.

Interestingly the same may be true for men. They may not have been the athlete in school or the one the girls chased after. They may have seen the pretty girls as unapproachable and equated those early feelings with a sense that there would always be a ‘keep away’ sign attached to any female they thought of as beautiful.
Any subsequent failure in relationships (or attempted relationships) with beautiful women can often serve to reemphasize the belief that they must be feared.

Symptoms of Caligynephobia

Mild symptoms may include sweaty palms and a feeling of acute discomfort while in the presence of someone you believe to be beautiful. You will not be able to carry on a normal conversation with this person and will have a strong desire to flee.

In more acute cases the following symptoms may be present.

■Rapid heartbeat■Panic attacks■Fainting■Nausea■Sense of dread

■The belief that if you open your mouth you will say something unbelievably stupid or not be able to say anything at all.


1. Are you scared of women/men?
(What are better social skills when we communicate with the opposited sex?)
2. How to get over the fear of women/men? or sth you fear of ?

3. How to control your fear and approach the beautiful women or fearful objects?

4. How to get to know a girl/ boy if you're really shy? How to overcome your shyness?

5. What phobia do you have? Listing things you are most afraid of?

6. What are the things that people are afraid of most?

Taiwan, the world's convenience store capital (China Times)

With 9,800 shops in its 36,000 square kilometers of territory, Taiwan has the highest concentration of convenience stores of any country in the world. The range of services these stores offer has drawn attention over whether the stores take advantage of their dominance, reports the China Times, our Chinese-language sister newspaper.

The Fair Trade Commission of the Executive Yuan, Taiwan's cabinet, published a survey showing that there is one convenience store per 260 square meters in the country. The numbers of customers who pass through the country's 7-11s and the stores of its competitors have reached 2.7 billion each year in a country of under 25 million. As of the end of 2010, most convenient stores were in New Taipei, Taipei and Taoyuan, with 20.2%, 15.3% and 11.7% of total stores, respectively. Density was highest in Taipei, followed by Hsinchu and Chiayi.

Convenience stores in Taiwan do far more than sell sundries. Shoppers can withdraw money, book train tickets, collect goods ordered online, eat and even send their clothes for a wash. Turnover from service-based sales jumped by 50% from 2009 to 2010.

According to another survey, people in Taiwan have become dependent on convenient stores over the past few years. More than 40% of people in the country visit a convenience store at least once per day, while more than 70% pay their bills there. More than 20% eat meals in the stores, and some parents even ask stores to babysit their children when they are not available. The most frequently used services are, according to the survey, payment of bills and traffic tickets.


1. What do you think convenience stores in Taiwan?

2. What can you buy in convenience stores?

3. Why most people shop at a convenience store? Reasons?

4. Advantages/disadvantages of convenience store?

5. Special features about convenience stores? The great thing about convenience stores?

6. What is the difference between a supermarket and a convenience store?


女人恐懼症- 簡介

女人恐懼症這種情況一般都是由於心理有一定陰影而導致生理上的無意識或是潛意識的躲避行為。 患者常產生負面的想法及可怕的影像,因而誘發生理反應。 恐懼症常影響青春期的人。 見女人臉紅、出汗、發抖、口吃和頭暈。

女人恐懼症- 原因

沒有人確知女人恐懼症的原因,有些專家相信這完全是心理因素;有些則認為是生理因素。 但愈來愈多證據顯示,這兩種因素皆包括在內。 醫學界已知此症似乎有遺傳性,假使父母中有一人曾患恐懼症,則子女可能也有患此症的傾向,但未必是同一種恐懼症。
一般這種情況與青春期性發育期間生理教育不夠,對異性的興趣不能宣洩形成的壓抑有關。 或者從小受到女性的很大的傷害從而造成心理很嚴重的創傷。

女人恐懼症- 表現

害怕受到女性冷落 一種常見的原因是害怕受到女性的冷落,人們往往是這樣,越想獲得成功就越怕出漏洞,和女性交往也是這樣。






還可能是與女性的接觸機會太少,接觸得越少,就越缺少接觸的經驗;越缺少經驗,就越不知所措;越不知所措,就越感到恐怖。 由於恐怖而產生了迴避行為,使與女性接觸的機會更少,這就形成了一種惡性循環,讓恐懼情緒得不到緩減。








Billy 報你知 (2013/4/14)香蕉皮治憂鬱

Banana peel can ease depression, protect retina (Mirrors: Mumbai)

A research team from Taichung's Chung Shan Medical University found after two years of research that banana peel is rich in serotonin, which is vital to balancing moods, the Apple Daily newspaper reported recently.

A low level of serotonin in the brain is believed to cause depression although doctors have yet to find out the relationship between depression and low levels of serotonin.

The team also found that banana peel extract could protect the retina from damage caused by light because it can cause retina cells to regenerate.

The research team said it believes consuming banana peel by boiling the peel and drinking the water or by putting it through a fruit juicer and drinking the juice can help ease depression.

It suggested drinking banana peel water or juice in the evening, once a day or several times a week.

The research team planned to launch human tests on the benefits of banana peel extract soon, the newspaper said.

Banana peel contains lutein, an antioxidant from the carotenoid family, which provides nutritional support to the eyes. Lutein can also be found in green, leafy vegetables, some fruits and corn.

In its clinical tests, the research team exposed two groups of retina cells - one a control group and the other group soaked in a solution of banana peel extract -to strong light six hours a day for two days.

At the end of the experiment, the control group of retina cells had died while the group soaked in banana peel extract had regenerated and suffered no damage.

日內瓦發明展 俗諺成真 提煉香蕉皮治憂鬱




台灣今年有六件作品同時獲得金牌、特別獎,最受矚目的作品之一是「超音波冷萃香蕉皮」(Happy Banana)。


香蕉皮可治失戀 護視網膜【蘋果日報 許佳惠】



這項香蕉皮研究已進行兩年,日前於亞洲營養學會中發表。王進崑說,香蕉皮含豐富葉黃素和類胡蘿蔔素,可保護視網膜,團隊先以油溶技術萃取出黃色的香蕉皮液體,再以每c.c.各十、五十和一百微克劑量,分別放進每c.c.六百萬個人類視網膜細胞株中,對照組則不加萃取液。 經每天照藍光五到六小時後,對照組細胞兩天就凋亡,有加萃取液的不但沒凋亡,反而長得更多、更好,加進一百微克組的細胞還多長出三成,顯示香蕉皮不但有保護視網膜細胞效果,還有助再生。王進崑建議,香蕉皮可用水煮或加水打成汁,每周喝數次以保護眼睛。















What a cruel,gastly meal!
Don't eat me,please   frog Billy

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