時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30
地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee
想了許久 Billy還是補上這個笑話 希望您笑納
話說有位 艾先生 孤家寡人好多年 有次在一個聚會上
認識王美麗小姐 雙方互相有好印象 美麗小姐 也留下電話號碼 作為聯絡
艾先生終於鼓起勇氣 忍著超高速的心臟跳動 播電話給美麗小姐
喂! 請問王美麗小姐 在家嗎?
嗯!----- 喔!------伯母 ----她不再家嗎?
她在洗手間 麻煩留下姓名 我請她再回call給你
艾先生用著非常緊張 又結巴的聲音---- 喔!----嗯!----
嗯! 我是她姓艾的朋友 她是我剛交的朋友
又是性愛 又是肛交 神經病別再打來了---- 叩--------
看溝通不良 詞意表達不清之下
產生這麼大的誤會 溝通的重要性!不可不慎 (Billy)
Great And Effective Communication Skills Tips (communicationtalk.com)
Effective communication skills are especially important to develop because there is so much confusion and misinterpretation that problems and misunderstandings always arise.
1. Word Choice
What happens from the time you think of something to say and actually say it is dramatic. Your thought process might be very clear; however what you communicate in words is often significantly less clear if you do not have effective communication skills.
This is because when you have a thought you have all of the information that makes the thought clear. However, when you put that thought into words all of the information is not available to the listener and as a result a lot of confusion can occur.
So, in order to keep this from happening think of what you want to say before you say it and make sure you say it clearly, concisely and be very specific so as to eliminate as many problems as possible when the listener hears what you are saying. This is key to ensure effective communication skills.
2. Receiver Perception
Problems do not just occur when you make a statement, they also occur when people listen to what you have to say. This is because they have their own perception of what you are saying, or not saying, and why you might be saying it. Because of this more misunderstandings occur especially if there is a lack of effective communication skills.
People will make assumptions and not really listen to what is being said, which creates even more problems. As a result, during a conversation when both parties do not choose words carefully and do not listen carefully very little of what was intended is actually heard. the absence of effective communication skills can cause a breakdown.
3. Body Language and Non Verbal Cues
Effective communication skills includes body language. Body language and non-verbal cues are also the source of confusion and misinterpretation of what is being said and what is being heard. Make sure your body language emphasizes what you are saying rather than contradicts it.
Facial expressions should also be considered because they often times send signals as well that are different from what is being said. Also, many times people respond to non verbal cues more than to what they actually hear, so if your non verbal cues are not communicating the same thing you are saying then you will have miscommunication problems.
1. How to develop good communication skills?
2. How can we make a good first impression through good communication skills?
3. Why is effective communication important in society? 4. Are you a good communicator?
What makes you a good communicator?
5. Is a good communicator easily become popular in a group?
6. Is new technology making you a lazy communicator? (smart phones/internet)
人生總有些不如意 有心煩的時候有時也會對人生目標有些茫然 有時也會感到寂寞 不論是單身 或是有家庭有時心中也會浮出莫名的空虛感有句話說得好 人生不如意事 雖有十之八九往好的方面想 總還有一 二件好事讓我們學習 如何享受人生 Billy
(歡迎來 說吧! 聊聊 )
享受生活 How to Enjoy Life (wikihow)Enjoying life is often thought to be a mindset, the result of reflection, action and gratitude. Making small changes to your life soon add up to greater enjoyment in life.
1. Get a pet. Owning a pet provides love, companionship, and hours of entertainment. Pet ownership has health benefits too, such as reducing your blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, increasing your feelings of well-being and connectedness, and teaching you lessons in empathy and nurturing.[1] For extra warm and fuzzy feelings, consider rescuing a pet from your local shelter.
2. Get into music. Listening to music taps into your brain’s imagination and sense of self-identity, boosts your self-esteem, and lessens feelings of isolation.[2] Listening to music feels empowering. Put on your favorite album––or that one you keep meaning to dive into, turn up the volume, and cut out all other distractions so that you can really experience the music.
3. Start the day with a smile. Your facial expression is traditionally thought of as a window into how you feel, but it's also thought that your facial expression can influence your mood.[4] Therefore, be sure to smile freely, to ensure that your mood is upbeat. You might even want to greet yourself in the mirror with a smile first thing in the morning––that happy face may be just enough to keep that mood flowing all day long.
4. Take a break. A decent break doesn’t mean zoning out to the TV or going down the internet rabbit hole. It means setting some time aside and making it special. As a thank-you to yourself, give yourself a vacation or “staycation”; a change of scenery––even if it just means having a picnic in your backyard or building a fort with your kids in the living room. Taking a break that is different from the ordinary and lets you "hang loose" can do wonders for your sense of fun, escape, and fulfillment.
5. Spend time with interesting people. It is well known that people with a wide circle of friends tend to live longer.[5] Of course, birds of a feather flock together, and it’s also been shown that your friends’ behavior can actually have a big impact on yours.[6] Make sure you hang around with positive, interesting people to inspire yourself to live a richer life.
Questions: 1. Ways to enjoy your life?
2. How to get happiness when you're sad? 3. How to get rid of all your worries, fear and stress 4. How to live life to the fullest? How to make your life interesting? 5. Are you satisfied with your lifestyle/ job ?
6. Are you dare to step out of your comfort zone and to take a adventure?