
凱特上空照風波 (星洲日報)


Topless royal photos reignite war with press(AP)
Paparazzi, French media and a British royal: The publication of topless photos of Prince William's wife Kate has reunited the same players whose clash ended with the untimely death of his mother, Princess Diana, in a Parisian car crash.
William, who has long harboured a grudge against the paparazzi who chased Diana in the days and hours leading up to her 1997 death, was clearly infuriated.
The royal couple hit back with an immediate lawsuit against the popular French gossip magazine Closer, which is owned by former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's Mondadori publishing empire.
The blurry photos, called a "grotesque" abuse of privacy by royal officials, show Kate - the Duchess of Cambridge - wearing only a skimpy bikini bottom. They are the first to show Britain's likely future queen with her bosom exposed.
St James's Palace officials sharply criticised the magazine moments after the photos hit French newsstands, comparing the intrusion on the young couple's privacy to the tragic paparazzi pursuit of Diana, which many believe was a contributing factor in her early death on August 31, 1997.
The parallels between the past and the present were eerie. Diana was hounded by paparazzi who took telephoto shots of her vacationing on a yacht with her boyfriend Dodi and tailed them relentlessly in Paris.
Earlier this month, a photographer with a similar long lens captured Kate and William relaxing in the sun at a private estate in Provence, a vacation spot near the French Riviera.
Instead of challenging the authenticity of the blurry photos, palace officials said they appear genuine - and should never have been taken, much less published.
"The incident is reminiscent of the worst excesses of the press and paparazzi during the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, and all the more upsetting to the Duke and Duchess for being so," a St James's Palace official in London said in a statement.
The British press - chastened by a deep scandal over phone hacking and other misdeeds - all shied away from using the photos.
That restraint came even though Rupert Murdoch's The Sun tabloid is famed for its daily Page 3 topless shots.
The photos, which were not available on English newsstands, appeared to unite many Britons behind their royal family.
"I think it's quite outrageous," said Alice Mason, 24, from London. "They were on holidays in a private place and some creepy journalist took pictures. It's not in the public interest to see this.
"They are always going to be in the public eye, but there is a line, and they (the press) crossed that line."
She said the royal couple has "every right to be outraged, especially with what happened to Diana."
Much of the anger seemed to stem from the fact that the royal couple was at a private residence when they were photographed.
The British press, wary about an ongoing UK media inquiry into suspected criminal wrongdoing at a number of papers, has generally respected the palace guidelines.  "There's absolutely zero chance of the British press publishing these photos," Neil Wallis, the former deputy editor of the Murdoch's News of the World, told AP.

1.      What do you think of the paparazzi?
2.      Why do celebrities hate paparazzi ?‎
3.      Why do you think people like listening to gossip?
4.      How would you feel about having to deal with paparazzi, if you were famous?
5.      What do you think about the right to privacy and the paparazzi?
6.      Is the right to privacy more important than freedom of the press?
7.      Do you think the paparazzi should be considered stalkers and arrested when they follow a celebrity around?

世間人往往以得到事業、感情、財富為樂,然而求到之後,內心的空虛仍然無法填滿。因為,大部分的人多忽略了充實的心靈才是快樂之源;找到生命的活水源頭,人生才會真正的快樂。 (中台世界) 各位會員您對"真正的快樂"有何見解呢?

True Happiness  (Jeremy N. Johnson )
True happiness is individual satisfcation with ones self and the environment one is in. Happiness is the culmination of quite a few things. Some of these include emotion, biological responses, religious and spiritual meanings, and more. I would like to focus however more on the simple steps to being happy. The focus of this page will be on achieving happiness, maintaining happiness, and helping others be happy.

Measuring Happiness
Being happy is often times a matter of the opinion that you have about yourself and your environment. Happiness is partially relative to the situation you are in. You might be living in a very nice home with more money than you will ever need. You may have a really good job that you go to every day and you find happiness on the job. There may be others who have a similar situation that are not happy. They have great careers, lots of money, but finding happiness is difficult for them. There may be several reasons for this. Regardless of the reasons, finding happiness in your life will greatly affect your journey in improving yourself.
One of the ways to measure happiness is to talk to yourself and ask some simple questions about how happy you are. Try asking yourself the following: •Did I give an honest effort at work today?
•Am I doing anything that I would be ashamed of if others found out?
•Am I proactive in what I do, or do I wait to be told what to do?
•Do I seek after things that uplift and inspire?
•Are my friends kind, considerate, and helpful people?
•Do I feel good physically?
•Do I get sick very often?
•Am I tired all the time?
•Am I doing deep down what I know I am capable of?
•Do I feel satisfied when the day comes to a close?

 Look at these questions, and seriously ask them to yourself. I know it is easy to just read and skim through, but STOP! Take a serious look at these questions. Do not skim through them. Think seriously about yourself, what you are doing, how you feel, and whether or not you believe yourself to be happy. These are simple questions and it is okay if you answered yes/no to a question where that answer has a negative impact on your life. If you don't feel good physically, that's ok. If you are doing things nobody knows about that you are ashamed of, that's okay. The main thing here is to honestly think about these things and if they are preventing you from being happy.

Often times in life various things happen or are done that seek to remove happiness from life. Either somebody did something that makes you angry or you did something that you feel sick to your stomach about. Perhaps there are harmful addictions that plague your life or you are being subjected to harmful things by those around you. True happiness will come from recognizing this and making an effort to correct what is wrong. This does not mean you are perfect and will not make mistakes. As I write this even now, I know that there are things that I do that are just plain stupid. They disrupt an otherwise positive flow of life. Yet I recognize my own mortality and capacity for mistakes and can forgive myself while at the same time remaining steadfast in my pursuit of health and happiness.

1.      How to Find True Happiness and where to Find Happiness?
2.      Can money make happiness?
3.      What is true Happiness?
4.      Are You Happy? If yes, please share your tips about how to Become Happier?
5.      Are You Happy? If not, why you're not happy?
6.      What is your definition of happiness?

SherryWow, Billy you speak Spanish very well.
BillyIt's my mother tongue.
SherryYour mother tongue!
BillyMy grandfather is Taiwanese and my grandmother is Spaniard.  We usually speak Spanish at home.
SherryOh, I see.
BillyYour English is probably better than mine.
SherryYes, but you speak Spanish more fluently than I.
I really admire you for your talent in languages.
BillyThere's nothing about talent, I have learned the quotation from Edison; "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."

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