各位親愛的會員:10月2日將討論兩個主題: 整形美容潮流/清大生澳洲當屠夫
整形美容長期以來一直在美國盛行,而如今這個潮流正席捲亞洲。國際美容整形外科學會發佈的資料顯示,若考慮人口因素,韓國現在是全世界整形美容業最大的市場。在韓國首都首爾,20%年齡介於19到49歲的女性承認她們為了改變樣貌,接受過美容整形手術。最流行的整形手術包括雙眼皮手術——通過減少上眼瞼多餘的皮膚來使雙眼看起來更大,抽脂手術——運用高頻聲波來減肥,以及鼻子整形手術。而在非手術整形中,注射肉毒桿菌和鐳射脫毛依然是最受歡迎的。《經濟學人》的資料顯示,在2010年,亞洲的整形手術總量超過了580萬例,而在美國這個數位僅為450萬多一點。許多人認為韓國流行音樂產業的崛起是這個整容熱潮背後的原因,許多人帶著明星的照片來到整形醫院,要求仿照明星的鼻型或眼睛來整容。急增的整形顧客中很多並不是韓國人,他們來自中國、日本、中東甚至非洲。韓國部長們認為醫療旅遊將有助於推動韓國經濟發展。有人回答,愛美唄。有人回答:因為社會風氣造成的。也有人說 ,近年來亞洲經濟發展迅速。 (莫琳娜台湾微美容)
各位親愛的會員,您對整形美容的看法呢?(edited by Billy)
Plastic surgery has hit Asia in a big way. (by wormdo)
The most common type of plastic surgery requested in Asia is blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery. This procedure gives the patient a "double fold" eyelid, unlike the "single lid" eyelid that is more common in Asian populations. Patients claim this procedure gives them wider, bigger eyes and makes them look more awake and alert.
Breast enhancements and rhinoplasty have also gained popularity, with patients requesting fuller breasts and longer, more Roman noses.
Other procedures have also evolved, unique to Asia. One such procedure aims to correct the appearance of muu-dari (in Korea) or daikon-ashi (in Japan), translated as "radish legs". Women seek to gain legs that look slimmer and longer, with long slim legs like popular Korean girl group So Nyuh Shi Dae's being a huge trend in many East Asian countries now. However, the loathed chunky "radish legs" are not down to fat in the calf, but muscle. Liposuction will not work, so what is an Asian woman who desires slimmer legs to do? A nerve behind the knee is severed so the muscle atrophies and the leg loses size as a result.
It sounds – and is – extreme, but in Eastern looks-based society, beauty takes you a long way. Sometimes getting these procedures done is not simply about vanity, but about ensuring ongoing employment and a stable economic future.
As plastic surgery grows in popularity in both the East and the West, a race is emerging: a race to see who can trailblaze newer procedures and technology. In this race, one thing is certain: Asia has no plans to fall behind..
1. Why is plastic surgery so popular in Asia?
2. Why do some women keep getting plastic surgery?
3. Will plastic surgery change a person's life?
4. Would you have plastic surgery to improve your chances for a job? Or a new relationship?
5. Can plastic surgery boost your career?
6. What are the benefits of plastic surgeries?
Sherry 飛梭雷射初體驗 9/25/2012 @ 愛爾麗
很漂亮的地方! 我愛!!! (忠孝復興店)
上麻藥膏(等待20-30分鐘) ~~ 這樣超美!
以上兩篇新聞報導有著不同的說法,各位會員您的看法呢?(edited by Billy)
People on working holidays not laborers: ministry
(By Chen Pei-huang and Scully Hsiao)
Taipei, Sept. 15 (CNA) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Saturday that Taiwanese on working holidays abroad should not be labeled as "Taiwanese laborers" since the holidays are more about learning than performing manual labor.
The ministry was intent on polishing the image of working holidays after a local magazine report indicated that the program was turning into an overseas jobs scheme.
Business Today told the story earlier in the week of a National Tsing Hua University economics graduate leaving Taiwan for a better-paying job at an Australian meat processing plant through the program, sparking concerns of more Taiwanese using working holidays to do manual labor in higher-wage countries.
In response, the ministry said in a statement that working holidays were launched to encourage students to venture overseas to broaden their horizons and enrich their international experience.
Taiwan has reached reciprocal working holiday agreements with Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Britain and Germany.
The program has proven largely beneficial, helping many participants improve their language skills and find work after they return, the statement said, rejecting the idea that those who go on working holidays are simply "Taiwanese laborers."
At the same time, the ministry urged prospective participants to fully understand the contract terms, work conditions and compensation of potential jobs before embarking on such holidays.
1. What do you think working holidays?
2. What do you think "Taiwanese laborers"
3. What do you think the report about a NTHU economics graduate worked at an Australian meat processing plant?
4. Why taking a working holiday is a good idea for students?
5. Are students should have a part-time job?
6. The effects of part-time work on school students?
7. Advantages & Disadvantages of Part-Time Jobs?
Assistant: May I help you?
Customer:Do you rent bicycle here?
Assistant::Yes, we do.
Customer:Wonderful! How much is the rental fee?
Assistant:It's 5 dollars, which includes a one-dollar refundable deposit.
Customer:OK. Here you go. When do I need to bring the bicycle back?
Assistant:Any time before 7:00 p.m. Or, you can return it to any our branch store.
Customer: Thank you.