1.憤怒管理 2.睡眠時間多少?

心理專家說,偶爾的憤怒並不是件壞事,但如果長期抑制自己,不將憤怒適當宣洩出來,將會對自己身心有很大的傷害。憤怒的情緒需要管理,人的生活中,不如意事,十有八九,從工作中來的壓力,來自家庭的壓力等等,總有些事,讓人感到挫敗鬱卒,甚至想一股腦的爆發。學會控制你的憤怒吧! 在憤怒之前消除這些情緒,進而去掉憤怒帶來的負面影響。您的意見呢?

睡眠時間多少?長久以來,一直是個探討的話題,每晚睡眠時間,究竟應該睡多少小時呢?國內外一些研究報告發現,睡眠時間過多的人,較不健康;但是,也有報導指出,睡眠不滿5小時或超過8小時,中風機率與死亡風險便會增加。然而這些研究的證明尚未明確,那麼到底甚麼是合適的睡眠時間呢?您的意見呢? (by Billy)
(以弗所書 4:26-27) 生氣卻不要犯罪.不可含怒到日落.也不可給魔鬼留地步。)
Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. (Ephesians 4:26-27)

Anger Management Tips (squidoo)
Anger that is not managed can seriously damage your relationships, opportunities, and can result into physical violence drastically changing your life.
There are various anger management tips that can be followed to prevent anger issues from causing major problems in your life.
Anger is one of the most powerful emotions you can experience. By implementing management tips into trigger situations you can gain control of your anger.

Anger Management Tip #1
 The first anger management tip that you can follow when you feel the emotion of anger is to take a time out.
Stepping away from a particular situation or individual that is starting to upset you will defuse your anger.
A time out can consist of a short brisk walk, going into another room or down a hall for a breather, or simply just taking deep breaths and silently counting to 10 before responding to the situation.

Anger Management Tip #2
The second anger management tip which can help to control the powerful emotion of anger is physical activity.
This anger management tip is perfect for when you begin to think about something the angers you.
Instead of getting all worked up and risking getting into a confrontation with someone take some time to exercise.
Exercise is a great way to release pent up stress and frustration which are the roots of anger.
Taking a brisk walk, jogging, a long run, swim, hitting the gym for weight lifting session, playing tennis, or a game of basketball can help manage anger.

Anger Management Tip #3
 The third anger management tip that you can follow when you feel the emotion of anger is take a minute to calm yourself.
Learning several ways that work best to calm or soothe yourself when you get upset is important to properly practice this tip.
Every individual is different. Some people prefer to visualize a relaxing scene or have a particular phrase that helps instantly change their mindset.
Others rely on having a calming or favorite song in their MP3 player handy, a hobby like painting, or practicing yoga or meditation to soothe and calm.

Anger Management Tip #4
 The fourth anger management tip to follow when you fell the emotion of anger is to use humor.
Humor is an excellent method to release aggression.
Simply think of a funny joke or imagine yourself or the other person in a silly situation to get your mind away from your anger.

1.      How to effectively control your anger?
2.      Are you short tempered? Do you lose temper easily?
3.      How to deal with a boyfriend or a girlfriend who has a bad temper?
4.      How to deal with an angry person?
5.      Is it unhealthy to hold back your anger?

How many hours of sleep do you need? (Helpguide)

According to the National Institutes of Health, the average adult sleeps less than 7 hours per night. In today's fast-paced society, 6 or 7 hours of sleep may sound pretty good. In reality, it's a recipe for chronic sleep deprivation.
While sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need between 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best. Children and teens need even more (see box at right). And despite the notion that our sleep needs decrease with age, older people still need at least 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep. Since older adults often have trouble sleeping this long at night, daytime naps can help fill in the gap.
1.        How much sleep do we really need?
2.        Is less sleep good or bad for you?
3.        Do you usually staying up late?
4.        Share your opinions about the bad effects of sleeping late?
5.        When is the best time to sleep?
(Edited by Billy)


Asking prices

Sherry and Alexandra walk out of the handbag store.

Alexandra: That clerk was really rude.

Sherry: I know that shop is notorious for its poor service.

Alexandra: I bet she can't make good business if she served customers like that.

Sherry: Let's walked down this street. If I'm not mistaken, there's another handbag store toward the end.

Alexandra: Yes, I see it is over there. I wonder if they carry the same style of the handbag.

Sherry: I can see it right there in the window display. Let's ask how much they are.

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