周二聚會 4/2 1. 送花打動女人心 2.長壽秘密
時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30
地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee
在另一項調查中,男性分別用不同方法對不同女性展開追求。 包括每天送花、每天打電話發短信、去接她上下班、請她吃飯等。 結果發現,收到鮮花的女性最先接受了男性的求愛並確立了戀愛關係。 心理學專家湯姆·布坎南博士說,花與浪漫聯繫在一起,當女人看到鮮花時,思考、說話或行為都開始以一種浪漫的方式進行,她們的心會變得更加柔軟多情,願意接受男性的愛意。
時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30
地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee
Topic1. 送花打動女人心 Topic2.長壽秘密
Topic1. 送花打動女人心 Topic2.長壽秘密
Flowers ARE the way to a woman's heart... but men don't have to buy them to reap the rewards (Mail online)
Researchers in France discovered that women were far more likely to give a young man their phone number if approached outside a florists as opposed to a patisserie or shoe shop.
Romance: Flowers really are the way to a girl's heart according to experts
Five dashing chaps were recruited by the University of South Brittany to approach women aged between 18 and 25 in the street and try to obtain their numbers.
So not to involve variations in chat-up techniques, the men were instructed to simply say their name, tell the woman she was very pretty and ask for her phone number so they could go for a drink later.
Of the 600 women asked, 144 - just under a quarter - gave their numbers if asked outside a florists.
However just one in seven women agreed to a date when asked outside a bakery and when asked outside a shoe shop the number fell to one in 10.
Publishing their findings in the Journal Of Social Psychology, the researchers wrote: Flowers reflect our emotions and moods.
'They often convey feelings of compassion, regret, merriment or even romance.
'The results confirm the effect of exposure to flowers on receptivity to romantic request.'
The study backs up findings from a similar experiment conducted by researchers at the same university earlier this year.
This involved 46 female student volunteers who were asked to sit in a room on their own and watch a video of a man talking about himself.
Study: Researchers in France discovered that women were far more likely to give a young man their phone number if approached outside a florists as opposed to a patisserie or shoe shop
Half the students watched the video in a room brightened up with three vases of flowers – a mix of roses, daisies and marigolds. The rest sat in an identical room without flowers.
When women had watched the video in the room decorated with pots of flowers, they rated the man as more attractive and were more willing to go on a date with him.
1. Is sending flowers a good way to win a girl’s heart?.
2. How to win a girl's heart and impress her effortlessly
3. How to get a girl or a boy to like you?
4. How to choose the perfect gift for someone you love?
5. Tips on winning your lover's heart?
4 Secrets to a Long Life (Reader's Digest)
It’s almost impossible to pull off a study like this: follow people from childhood to old age, tracking their habits and personalities to see which are best for health over the long haul. Almost impossible, but not quite. The Longevity Project, by psychologists Howard S. Friedman, PhD, and Leslie R. Martin, PhD, distills life-extending advice from a study that began in 1921 and followed 1,500 boys and girls for as long as eight decades. “The best way to see why some people thrive in old age while others die early is to follow individuals for their whole lives,” Friedman says. The results poked holes in many long-held beliefs. Here, Friedman shares the study’s biggest surprises—and most useful advice.
Flash doesn’t last. “The key personality predictor of a long life was one that we never expected: conscientiousness. It wasn’t always the cheerful kids who went on to have the longest lives—it was the ones who did their homework, whose parents would say, ‘She has a good head on her shoulders.’ They developed healthy patterns and maintained them. People who weren’t dependable as kids but became more responsible as adults did well, too.”
Happiness is a result, not a cause. “It’s well-established that happy people are healthier. People assume that happiness leads them to be healthier, but we didn’t find that. Having a job you feel engaged in; a good education; a good, stable relationship; being involved with other people—those things cause health and happiness.”
Stress isn’t so bad. “You’re always hearing about the dangers of stress, but the people who were the most involved and dedicated to accomplishing things—they stayed healthiest and lived longest. It’s not good if you’re overwhelmed by stress, but the people who thrived were the ones who didn’t try to relax or retire early but who took on challenges and were persistent.”
Run with the right crowd. “To make yourself healthier, the best thing you can do is to think about the kinds of people you spend time with. If you’re involved with the kind of people who help other people, you get more dependable yourself—you have a reason to get up in the morning, so you’re not out drinking late at night. One of the secrets of longevity is to join social groups and choose hobbies or jobs that lead you naturally to healthier patterns and activities. That’s a gradual but effective way to change yourself.”
1. How to live 100 years ? Ways to live longer?
2. Ways to live a healthy lifestyle?
3. What are habits to help us live longer?
4. Do you want to live longer?
5. Is the idea that move to the countryside, live longer?
6. Why do women live longer than men?
給女人送花是全世界男人都會的求愛方法,因此這一度被認為“太俗”“沒創意”。 不過發表在英國《社會心理學》雜誌上的一篇報導指出,無論時代如何改變,鮮花依然是打動女人芳心的最有效方式。
法國南布列塔尼大學的心理學家進行了這項研究,他們讓男性分別在不同的地點與多名女性搭訕。 結果發現,站在花店門口的男性,更容易獲得女性電話號碼和約會機會;其次是在麵包店和商場附近的男子;排在最後的是車站和鞋店外的男子。 研究者分析,鮮花綻放的場所會讓女性感覺更加浪漫。
在另一項調查中,男性分別用不同方法對不同女性展開追求。 包括每天送花、每天打電話發短信、去接她上下班、請她吃飯等。 結果發現,收到鮮花的女性最先接受了男性的求愛並確立了戀愛關係。 心理學專家湯姆·布坎南博士說,花與浪漫聯繫在一起,當女人看到鮮花時,思考、說話或行為都開始以一種浪漫的方式進行,她們的心會變得更加柔軟多情,願意接受男性的愛意。
百歲人瑞 談長壽之道【聯合報╱記者邱瓊玉】
107歲林黃玉珍/閒不下來 就愛社交
105歲高林絨/一生務農 簡單飲食
102歲黃體雄、汪永春/天天健身 規律生活
101歲曹仲植/行善助人 快樂之本