江子翠 10月30日星期二
各位親愛的會員: 10月30日將討論兩個主題: 台灣奇怪的食物 /2045年後將長生不死
台灣奇怪的食物 (欣傳媒記者洪釧瑜)
晶華酒店西點法籍行政主廚羅倫(Laurent Delcourt)表示,臭豆腐是他覺得最匪夷所思的台灣食物,因為豆腐經過發酵後的臭氣實在令人無法恭維,但是這種奇特的味道竟然在入油鍋酥炸或清蒸調味之後,口感與風味完全轉變,並成為國民小吃美食,讓他覺得台灣人非常有創意。
或許因為文化與飲食習慣的差異,讓外國人覺得台灣有很多奇怪的食物,但其實有不少外國人因為愛上台灣的美食而在此定居,如在台灣住了11年的龔向華(Dimi Tri Bruyas)。他以開放的心態去嘗試各式各樣的食物,對他來說,沒有不能吃的東西,反而是環境衛生問題,才會成為讓國外觀光客止步的原因。「外國人很重視環境衛生,像台灣人喜愛的夜市,環境整潔度就有很大的進步空間。」
Six Delightfully Bizarre Foods to Try in Taiwan (Hotelclub travel blog)
The Republic of China has a wonderful culinary landscape, with dual inspiration from mainland China and native Taiwanese cultures. Foreign visitors to the night markets of Taipei and Kaohsiung may find some dishes relatively familiar. Others, on the other hand, may prove more difficult to identify. Here then, are six delightfully bizarre Taiwanese foods.
Century Egg
Also known as a “thousand year” or“millennium eggâ€, Century Egg is a traditional Chinese delicacy very popular in Taiwan. Unlike the name suggests, the duck, quail or chicken egg in question is not really a thousand years old. The eggs are actually preserved in an alkaline mixture of lime, tea, salt and wood ash for several weeks or months. The preparation method makes the shell look aged and the egg-white shiny amber. The gray yolk develops rich, pungent flavor compounds, often reminiscent of strong cheese or even ammonia. Myriad condiments, sesame oil and soy sauce help to round out the powerful, distinctive taste of the eggs.
Pig Blood Cake
One of the most popular snack foods in Taiwan is a native take on blood sausage. Like sausage traditions in Eastern Europe or traditional “blood pudding” for example, Pigs Blood Cake features pig’s blood prominently of course, with sticky rice as the glutinous binder. A layer of peanut powder and cilantro provides lovely nuance to the sanguine, porcine snack. Taipei’s Gongguan Market is definitely a great spot to sample the piggy delicacy.
Chicken Feet
As far as bizarre foods go, chicken feet rank as pretty tame. After all, from Ashkenazi Jews to tribes in Sub-Saharan Africa, countless cultures have found ways to render the less manageable parts of fowl edible … and even delicious.
In Taiwan, street vendors work magic with chicken feet. The popular snack is ubiquitous in night markets and even as cineplex fare to complement that tub of popcorn and bucket of soda. Slightly gelatinous, fatty and with or without nails (inedible of course), chicken feet can be pretty tasty.
Stinky Tofu
The heady, rank odor of stinky tofu is unmistakable. The Taiwanese delicacy is the result of a delicate process that involves the fermentation of regular tofu in a vegetable, shellfish, milk or meat brine (or combination of several) for a few months. Herbs and mustard greens impart special flavors to the party. To connoisseurs, the art of stinky tofu is not unlike high-quality cheese production in France or Italy. Indeed, the final product may remind some of a ripe Roquefort or Gorgonzala, often with a delicate goose liver-like texture.
Duck Tongue
Another delicacy born from necessity is duck tongue. In Taiwan, night market and restaurant cooks commonly prepare the tongues with soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and basil. Hey, every New York deli serves beef tongue with mustard on rye, so why not?
Duck of course, is one of the most luxurious ingredients in the Chinese culinary arsenal and “All Duck” banquets that feature the bird make delectable use of every part. In Taipei, a plate of grilled or stewed tongues is just about the best bar snack you can find.
Tripe may seem delightfully bizarre to some. Others however, consider intestines humdrum everyday fare. Again, this is classic peasant comfort food – scraps made edible and certifiably soulful in every corner of the globe. Night markets in Taiwan feature offal buffets where you can choose different barnyard animal intestines and hand them to a vendor for a wide range of preparation methods. The cook may boil, deep fry or stir fry the tripe and of course, copious condiments abound.
1. What do you think of Taiwanese night markets custom?
2. What do you think of Taiwanese local food?
3. Do you think these foods are weird foods?
4. What are your favorite traditional foods?
5. What Taiwanese foods will you recommend to foreign visitors?
6. Recommend some best Taiwanese food?
人腦與電腦近最近再啟戰端。IBM超級電腦「華森」(Watson)日前參加美國益智問答節目,與兩名人類對手大戰三回,最終戰勝人腦;而在即將出版的2月份時代雜誌當中,封面故事「2045年-人類獲得永生」當中提及,美國作家科茲威爾(Raymond Kurzweil )曾表示,2045年,人類將會透過與機器結合而獲得永生,電腦的智慧將取代人腦,永久改變人類的命運。屆時,人類和電腦智慧將無法區分。
科茲威爾除了為作家外,同時也是一位發明家,比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)曾稱讚他是 「人工智慧未來的最佳預測家」;他早在其2005年著作「奇點迫近:當人類超越生物學限度」(The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology)中就做出2045年人類獲得永生的預測。
Human immortality could be possible by 2045, say Russian scientists
(by Lauren O'NeilPosted)
A strategic social initiative in Russia is making waves with its cybernetic immortality project. ( Dmitry Itskov's 2045 initiative plays out as planned, humans will have the option of living forever with the help of machines in only 33 years.
It may sound ridiculous, but the 31-year-old Russian mogul is dead serious about neuroscience, android robotics, and cybernetic immortality.
He has already pulled together a team of leading Russian scientists intent on creating fully functional holographic human avatars that house artificial brains which contain a person's complete consciousness - in other words, a humanoid robot.
Together, they've laid out an ambitious course of action that would see the team transplant a human brain into an artificial body (or 'avatar') in as little as seven years time.
Now, Itskov is asking the world's richest people for help in financing the project.
In exchange, he's offered to coordinate their own personal immortality projects for free.
"I urge you to take note of the vital importance of funding scientific development in the field of cybernetic immortality and the artificial body," he writes in an open letter to members of the Forbes World's Billionaires List.
"Such research has the potential to free you, as well as the majority of all people on our planet, from disease, old age and even death."
Itskov goes on to offer skeptics a meeting with "a team of the world's leading scientists working in this field " to prove the viability of the concept of cybernetic immortality.
And while many are skeptical that such a plan could ever come to fruition, Popular
Science Magazine points that phase one --creating a robot controlled by a human brain -- is already well within reach.
"DARPA is already working on it via a program called "Avatar" (which, incidentally, is also the name of Itskov's project) through which the Pentagon hopes to create a brain-machine interface that will allow soldiers to control bipedal human surrogate machines remotely with their minds," writes PopSci's Clay Dillow.
"And of course there are all the ongoing medical prosthesis projects that have shown that the human nervous system can interface with prosthetic enhancements, manipulating them via thought. Itskov draws a clear arc from what we have now to the consciousness-containing holograms that he envisions. All we have to do is attack the technological obstacles in between, one at a time, until we get there."
Discovery's Alyssa Danigelis takes an opposing stance to the very idea.
"There's a world of difference between pursuing a brain-controlled exoskeleton to help paraplegics regain control and wanting to essentially upload a human brain into an artificial body," she writes.
"I read a sci-fi novel involving disembodied live brains once. It didn't turn out well"
What's your reaction to this pursuit? If you had the opportunity to live forever - albeit cybernetically - would you do it?
1. Is Human Immortality Possible?
2. Will immortality be an option for you?
3. If you were immortal - with infinite extra time - What Would You Do?
4. What would happen if immortality for man was possible?
5. Problems of immortality? The Price of Immortality?
Sherry: Hello, office of Charlie, Sherry speaking.
Billy: Get me Charlie. This is Billy.
Sherry: I’m sorry, he’s not here.
Billy: Where is he? I got a bit of a legal problem.
Sherry: He’s out of town until tomorrow afternoon.
Can I take a message?
Billy: Yes, could you tell him to call me back, please?